Прекрасная картина! Свежая и яркая, как сама ВЕСНА! 

Ласточка с древности считается символом весны, перемен и неизменной удачи. Если ласточка свила гнездо под крышей вашего дома, то вас ожидает процветание. 

Этот замечательный стремительный символ украсит любой дом и принесет с собой особую атмосферу умиротворения и свежести.

Лотосы раскинулись в ложе из синих листьев, которые украшают необыкновенные прожилки. Цветы лотоса разной величины и красный бутон еще только раскрывается, повернувшись к солнцу. Этот красный насыщенный цвет, горящий, как само солнце, украшают золотые прожилки. Они ловят малейшие блики света и играют переливами на лепестках цветка.

Лотос - священный цветок Китая. Он почитался еще до прихода буддизма и имеет важное значение как в мифологии, так и в художественных произведениях. 

Размер: 35*46 см.

Сухая накатка на плотную бумажную основу 200 гр/кв.м.

Бумага: рисовая бумага "крылья цикады"

Материалы: китайская тушь, китайские минеральные краски, золотая японская краска

Дата создания: февраль 2021 г.


A beautiful picture! Fresh and bright, like SPRING itself!

Since antiquity, the swallow has been considered a symbol of spring, change and constant good luck. If a swallow has built a nest under the roof of your house, then prosperity awaits you.

This wonderful fast-paced symbol will decorate any home and bring with it a special atmosphere of peace and freshness.

The lotuses are spread out in a bed of blue leaves adorned with extraordinary veins. Lotus flowers are of various sizes and the red bud is just opening, turning towards the sun. This deep red color, burning like the sun itself, is decorated with golden veins. They catch the slightest glare of light and play with iridescence on the flower petals.

Lotus is the sacred flower of China. It was revered even before the arrival of Buddhism and is important both in mythology and in fiction.

Measurements: 35 * 46 cm./13.78*18.11 in

Stamps (signed): Artist's name (Katerina).

Double-mounted on second layer of thick paper 200 g / m2., flat and ready to frame.
Paper: xuan (rice) paper "cicada wings"

Materials: Chinese ink, Chinese mineral paint, golden Japanese paint

Date of creation: February 2021


Artist Ekaterina Nikolskaya - master of traditional Chinese painting style Gohua, creates complex and exquisite paintings, made according to classical canons for those who are ready to fill their heart with harmony through the contemplation of beauty.


I have a great mastery of many materials: oil paint, acrylic, tempera, watercolor, markers, pencils, pastel and soft materials, liner, mascara. Having such baggage in my artistic arsenal, I can easily choose a technique for creative ideas and express my thoughts on canvas, paper or silk, depending on the task at hand. But, nevertheless, I prefer graphics, pastels and Chinese painting, which I have been studying since 2017.


Chinese painting entered my life in 2017 as a creative experiment. Studying the art of Gohua I realized that my creative space is filled with this style, completely absorbing me and bringing pleasure and satisfaction from the creation of the finest works teetering on the brink of realism and magical fairy tales.


"Each picture is an experiment. I like some more, some less, but I always live for the next!" Nikolskaya E.A.



Today I have participated in more than 50 exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

I was awarded the first place in the international competition, which was held in Moscow in 2019, for her work dry pastel in the category "Living Nature."

The works are in private collections in Russia and abroad (Germany, USA, China).


Paintings are carefully packed with soft protection, comes in a mailer tube.
Needs a glass for protection and sensitive to straight sunrays if openly exhibited.


I use standart Russian post service and pretty happy with it, but can be upgrated for quick mail for additional fee (depends on country, please, contact me for details)


Duration of delivery depends on your country. E.g.: US – 4-6 weeks, Europe 2-4 weeks (really depends on your country), Russia - 1-4 weeks, Asia - 6- weeks.


Return of original paintings is fine, just notify me within 7 days after receiving.

The purchase price will be refund "full price minus mail expense " after it safely gets back in undamaged condition.

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  • Просмотров:: 1328
  • Модель: КЖ-2021-ЛЛ
  • Наличие: 1

гохуа, гунби, рисовая бумага, лотос, ласточка, птицы